About Me

All of the things you would want to know about me ;)

A picture of me

"Hello there!" - Obi-Wan Kenobi

I am Micha Johannes Birklbauer, or just Micha, and was born on the 10th of August 1995 in the beautiful city of Linz in Austria. Growing up in the suburbs my childhood was rather unspectacular, a lot of reading, drawing and spending time outside. At the age of 19 I graduated from highschool with distinction. After community service I enrolled and finished my Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics, a cross border study program at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz and the University of South Bohemia in Budweis that teaches the interdisciplinary field of informatics and biology. I wrote my bachelor thesis on "Imputation Of Missing Values In Clinical Data" and got my degree in 2019. I continued my studies as a master student of "Data Science and Engineering" at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Hagenberg. I specialized in "Marketing and Production" and "Data-driven Drug Design" and wrote my thesis about "Automatic identification of important interactions and interaction-frequency-based scoring in protein-ligand complexes" in cooperation with the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg. I finished my master's in 2021 and since then I am doing my PhD in Computer Science and work as a researcher in computational proteomics at the Bioinformatics Research Group of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Hagenberg. In my free time I like to go to the movies, work on hobby projects, read or paint.

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